Autumn 2018


Hello - and thanks for your interest in my art! I'm aiming to pen an update here every few months to let you know what I'm working on, and which events I'm attending. 


On May 5th I'll be performing my 2016 comic Junk Witch at Read To Me, a live comics event at the State Library of Victoria. I'm really excited to be presenting alongside Jo Waite, Sarah Catherine Firth, Chris Gooch, Bernard Caleo and Andrew Weldon. Although the event runs regularly in Sydney, this is is a one-off event for Melbourne! Come along and find out what it's like to hear a comic. Book here.

Read to me EJ.jpg


On April 15th I ran a table at the Homecooked Comics Festival. It's a lovely, friendly festival and it was great to catch up with friends and new creators. Keep an eye on this festival as it grows over the coming years!

Homecooked 2018 small.jpg
Homecooked 18 table.jpg


If you missed the show, it's still possible to buy comics from my online shop. You might like to pick up a copy of my latest minicomic, 'Bookmarked' - it's a collection of cartoons about my day job in the marvellously strange world of bookshops.

An extract from Bookmarked

An extract from Bookmarked


This year I'm thrilled to be part of Petrie Press' new anthology, Neither Here Nor Hair. It's an anthology featuring the work of women and non-binary artists, all responding to the topic of hair. 

My piece 'Memento' is an autobiographical take on hair, gender, memory and identity.

We'll be kickstarting Neither Here Nor Hair later this year - I'll send out a special announcement when the crowdfunding campaign begins. 

Cover image by Reimena Ashel Yee

Cover image by Reimena Ashel Yee

Preview of 'Memento'

Preview of 'Memento'


If you've read this far (thanks!!) you might like to sign up to my email newsletter where I'll be sending out updates on my work about 3-4 times a year. You can sign up at this link.